LG Again In Global Sporting Activities:

Global Sporting Activity is one of the fields where LG has been contributing to the society as a responsible corporate citizen. LG is one of the Electronics giants that sponsor sporting events all around the World. They believe sports can energize people’s lives and help them connect with their passion. Just as “Life is Good”, the excitement created at any sporting events never fails to open up people’s hearts, stir up their emotions, and offer inspiration.

 Another exciting aspect that LG see’s from sports is the challenging spirit, passion, and creative energy that it brings to people. Through sport, LG believes that people can be united from their heart, and it is the best medium to reach their customers. It is equally a means through which the company can express to the World about its passion and willingness to take on different challenges. LG has been able to go beyond borders creating partnership with formula 1 and organizing events in Europe, Latin America, North America, Middle East and Africa. 

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