Apple Vs Samsung

Lately, the two largest Smart Phone companies, Apple & Samsung, have  been going at it with each other.  Apple has made claims that Samsung had illegally mimicked the popular iPhone’s design and features on the Galaxy S.  According to Apple, Samsung have illegally copied their interface on the phone, from functionality to the display icons. They have however refrained from mentioning anything about the display screen.  

This isn’t the first time that Apple sued a company. The list includes many companies, most targeted for using the Android system on Google’s patents.

Take a low below to see the similar comparisons between the Galaxy S and iPhone 3GS.

The outcome of the lawsuits are yet to come however we can expect Samsung’s royalty fees reach upward in the billions.

*Note. Apple has recently failed to prevent Samsung from selling its new Galaxy tab 10.1 in European countries. A judge ruled out the case against iPhone citing lack of evidence.

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